The Challenge
We’re under constant attack, from deadly viruses outbreak to road carnage, the last thing we want is to not have crucial information when we need it, especially in the case of an emergency.

The Solution
I was brought in to assist with the crafting of the User Interface of an App that would store the medical information of the user.

My Role
As a User Interface Designer, I was responsible for the wireframes and final screen designs of the App.

The Process
I joined the team after all the user research was done, I was handed sketches from the product owner, I began with the lo-fi wireframes and through iterations, we finally chose the design that tested best with the users.

Lessons learned
The biggest lesson I learned working with the Afrizen team is how to collaborate effectively and how my role in the team adds up to the entire output of the team as a whole. I learnt how to use tools for developer handoff, why it is important to have a naming convention while designing as that has an impact on the time it takes developers to work on the product.

Reflections on my experiences
While this experience was truly enriching, I did feel a need for more research and user testing, that would have given us better results. The team worked well together, we collaborated and shared knowledge frequently. I personally picked up a lot more insights from working closely with the Dev team and also liaising with the product owner to ensure that business & user goals are met.

My Designs enabled the developers to build an app that helped Afrizen test their value proposition and see if they had product-market fit, the designs we coded by Bernard Onigbinde and all user research was conducted by Afrizen.